Saturday, August 31, 2019

Intercultural Communication Essay

Comparison of the light that Catholicism was held in a century ago and its close correlation to the current treatment of Islam as a threat to the US is an important lesson learned from ‘Islam in America’. The close correlation and its replication in history considering that Islam is trying to expand in the US is an eye opener that makes one reconsider his position on the role played by Islam in terrorism and other vices that have been labeled as being closely related to the Islam faith. Another lesson that has been brought out by the article is the fact that more Arabs are Christians. Muslims, Arabs and injustice against America have in recent time been portrayed as being one and the same. Reading the article develops a clear collaboration between what can be considered wayward Islam and Arab Christianity in engaging in acts that are subversive for either Koran or bible dictates. The extreme differences that exist between different Islam groups are also brought out. To any one outside Islam the differences that exists in beliefs thus actions of Muslims and the development that have happened within Islam cannot be developed without having access to such eye opening information. Ida B. Wells, what a woman she was! Surprisingly I had never had of her existence even under black history catalogues. It is amazing how the influence of Wells was inspirational to the development of a number of organizations and uprisings that championed for equality yet her contribution has not even been documented by many writers and literatures. Another lesson from reading the article on her contribution to the liberation of African Americans is that President Lincoln actually placed an ultimatum for southerners to surrender or else lose their slaves. This version of American history is a realization of events within history that have carefully been concealed from the current generation to hide the dismay and inhumanity that past leaders currently held in awe as being great founders of America were involved in. Why is understanding history Important? Understanding the history behind a culture is important in developing a clear picture of events in the current society. Culture is considered a development from history that unluckily is in varied versions (Martin, & Nakayama, 2007); having a deeper understanding of experiences that define a community is thus important in objectively analyzing the different versions and coming up with a personal image. Moreover, without seeking an understanding of history the systems that have been placed to hide the truth may negatively affect one’s perception of events without and within his community (Martin, & Nakayama, 2007). Without understanding the differences that led to the development of different Muslim sects and the fact that they are of different ideologies one may be affected by the negative image that has been created by the media of Islam and terrorism. Without understanding the fact that America has historically been repulsive to entry of new religion one may be duped into believing that controversies surrounding Islam in the current society are a new development in American history. Abraham Lincoln and other great have had considerable effects on the current image of America. Realization that such a great could have made an absurd statement like ‘ surrender now or lose your slaves’ develops an appreciation of the fact that American leaders have had flaws and are not as perfect as modern literature portrays them to be. Appreciation of the role played by individuals whose names are not imprinted in American history or even black history in development that have been attained by African American is developed by Ida Wells’ biography. This develops an appreciation of the effects that individual can have on communities and even generations. Role in Competent Multicultural Communication Perception greatly affects the levels of efficiency that can be attained in human communication. Irrespective of the diversity that has been developed by forces of globalization the history of an individual whether formal or informal will always affect the perception he develops of others (Martin, & Nakayama, 2007). A multicultural communicator must be aware of his culture and the effects that it has on his cognition and others’ to ensure effective communication. An understanding of the differences that exist between cultures and therefore values is important in prior determination of areas of conflict in any given communication. Such information or knowledge is vital in addressing conflict areas in the best way possible. Management of conflicts that are inherent of communication between two communicating parties is affected by appreciation of their perception of each other. Addressing myths like it was the case in demystifying the role played by lynching in reducing African Americans’ role in raping white women and developing a clear difference that exists between Arabs ad Muslims is important in dealing with the negative effect that such have on intercultural communication. Language is part of a culture and unless intercultural communicators are appreciative of the differences in culture thus history has on perception (Martin, & Nakayama, 2007), conflicts in communication and even derivation of meaning that is core to communication becomes constrained.

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